When you sign in to Clideo with either email or social media account, we create your Clideo account automatically if this is the first time you visit our site.
If you sign in to your account and do not see the projects you think should be there or the website is still asking you to pay if you are a premium user, you might have used the wrong email or social media account.
Try any of these options to access your account:
- If you do not remember the email address you used, check your email inboxes and see if you have other emails from Clideo with verification or login codes or payment details.
- If you do not remember the social media account you used, try signing in with an email address. When you sign in with a social media account, we save the email associated with this account as your primary email address. Then, in Account settings, check the connected social media accounts.
Additionally, you can check your social media account settings to see if you have Clideo saved there:
If you are trying to sign in to your Clideo account in the Clideo Video Editor app for iOS or visa versa, make sure you are using the same account. Read more about in-app subscriptions.
- If your login details are correct, and you still do not see your projects, their storage period might be over. After exporting, we keep the projects in your account for a specified period of time only.
Please contact our support team if none of the workarounds mentioned earlier have worked for you. We are available from 10 am till 6 pm CET, Monday – Friday.