Once your text element is added to the project, you can move it, edit the text itself, change its font, size, as well as text and background color settings.
To access the available text settings, select the corresponding element in the timeline or canvas. The selected element is outlined in yellow.
Move text
To move the text element, on the canvas, hold and drag it to place it anywhere on the canvas.
Rotate text
To rotate the text element, on the canvas, click the Rotation handle at the bottom of the yellow rectangle and rotate the element manually.
Edit text
To change the text element, click the Text tab, and then do one of the following:
- To change the text, in the text field, type in the text you need.
- To change the text color, select the first Custom color icon to specify the custom color you need or select one of the color presets. Drag the opacity slider to change the transparency of the text.
- To change the text font, select one of the recent or featured fonts from the Font list. To select any other Google font, start typing the font name in the Search font field.
- To change the font weight, select one of the available options from the Weight list. Please note that the number of weight options varies depending on the selected font.
To change the font size, you can do one of the following:
- click + to increase the size or - to decrease it;
- in the font size box, select the required value from the drop-down list;
- in the font size box, type in any value you need within the following limits: between 1 and 200;
- on the canvas, drag the corner handles of the text element in or out.
Please note that if you're using Firefox, you may occasionally notice that the text size shrinks after exporting or changes unexpectedly when resized. Please use the latest version of Chrome for a more stable experience with text rendering and resizing.
Adjust text properties
To adjust the text element properties, click the Adjust tab, and then do one of the following:
- To adjust the vertical distance between lines, drag the Line Height slider. The value at the top right of the slider displays the current height, which can be between 0.5 (twice smaller than the text element font size) and 2 (twice bigger than the text element font size), with 1 as a default line height value.
- To adjust the horizontal distance between letters, drag the Letter Spacing slider. The value at the top right of the slider displays the current spacing, which can be between -20 (20% smaller than the default letter spacing) and 100 (100% bigger than the default letter spacing), with 0 as a default spacing value.
- To adjust the horizontal alignment of text within the text box, click one of the alignment icons.
- To underline the text, click the Underline icon.
- To change the text to cursive, click the Italics icon.
- To capitalize the text, click the Capitalize icon.
Change text background
To change the text background settings, click the Background tab, and then do the following:
- To change the background color, click the first Custom color icon to specify a custom color or gradient, or select one of the color presets. Drag the opacity slider to change the transparency of the background color.
- To remove the background color, click the icon next to the Custom color icon.
- To round the corners of the background, drag the Rounding slider. The value at the top right of the slider displays the current rounding, which can be between 0 and 50, with 0 as a default value. For example, the maximum value of 50 will display a square background as a circle.
Change text opacity
To change the text element opacity settings, click the Opacity tab, and then drag the Opacity slider.
The value at the top right of the slider displays the opacity percentage, which can be between 0% (fully transparent) and 100% (fully opaque).
You can change the opacity for the text or background colors individually using the opacity slider in the Custom color settings.
Set duration
To change the duration of a text element, do one of the following:
In the timeline, drag the yellow handles of the text element to specify the required duration.
In the text settings section, click the Time tab, and then specify the duration of the element under Duration or set the start and end timestamps manually under Timing.
Remove text
To remove the text element from the project timeline, select its thumbnail, and then do one of the following:
- At the top-left of the timeline, click the Delete icon.
- Press Delete or Backspace on your keyboard.